Of Light

Allow your own heart to love you like no one has ever loved you before. That is true Leadership of Light!
You, my beloved soul warrior; my brave way-shower of a world of love - this is my special gift to you:
A wonderful, powerful coming together of kindred hearts and creative spirits over the course of 9 months. We gather together with the purpose of mastering the art of the living heart, bringing forth, exploring and celebrating the leader of Light within.
I know you have walked a magical path, and a demanding one too. It hasn't always been easy - and it wasn't always meant to be, either.
Now, the time is finally yours to freely express your divine, creative powers - and to receive the loving guidance in fully accepting your role as a Leader of Light; that, which you have been preparing for through all of your life. The time is yours to receive the supportive witnessing, companionship and acknowledgment of those, who, just like you, are emerging as Leaders of Light.
Come with me! Join me for these incredible and celebratory 9 months as I hold an open-hearted space and guide us onto this great adventure, exploring what it means to be a Leader of Light in a human body today. Let us join forces as ambassadors for an authentic, healthy life on Earth. Let us express and create with light: let us dance and play and sing with love as the way-showers we are.
Let us be Leaders of Light!

With Love,

Themes of inner leadership
We are guided by the themes of Incarnation, The Art of Dying, Rebirth & Soul Expression, The Art of Prayer, Sacred Unity and Leadership of Light
Transformational & nurturing retreats
We get to do our work in the beautiful, lush countryside of Denmark. In between retreats, we meet online to bear witness to and connect with each other.
Joining starts with a dkk 3,000 deposit
Prices include all teachings, retreats, food, drinks & accommodation.
Payment in instalments is offered.

Do you feel it in your heart:
That we are destined for another way of living - another path? That now, we are finally finding our way back to that path; that, which we call our true Creative Nature?
Do you feel it, beloved?
We’re finding our way back to being Leaders of Light; to being the wings that lift each other up, and the roots that allow us to reach the sky. We are the living hearts that connect; fearlessly, gracefully, no questions asked. We are the voices that sing and arms that reach out, to fully touch and hold each other. To embrace each other and the deep, inner knowing that Love is all there is and ever was. We are the children that play with no concern for right or wrong.
I know you feel it too, beloved.
Let us walk this blessed path
Let us awaken and walk together as Leaders of Light, and co-create the life we were always destined to live. A life in open-hearted, living, beating Love.

An Adventure Into The Great Unknown
In many ways, our journey of Leadership of Light is like one of the great, old fairytales: An adventure into the great unknown, full of magic, wonders and ever-lasting love. It is full of fears, tasks and challenges to be overcome with authenticity, innocence and creativity. And then, of course, it has you - our wonderful hero or heroine stepping onto the Path of your Living Heart, where every single step you take is one of coming closer to the Love that lives within - come what may! It is a wonderful, playful journey into the creative and authentic self-expression that defines the kind of leadership that is based in Love. That, which we call: Leadership of Light.
Wisdom Of The Now
Like in the fairytales, we will set out with a roadmap, composed of what you might call our "Guiding Themes". Like beacons of light, these themes are the checkpoints that help us navigate through our great adventure, and will give you an idea of our direction. However, at the end of the day, only the Wisdom of the Here & Now knows exactly where and how we'll fare. How these themes are formed and expressed in detail is entirely in the hands of the Divine. One thing is certain, though: We are going to sing and dance and play and have a lot of fun!
Into The Unknown: Way Of The Artist - And Of God
In essence, being a Leader of Light means: Allowing the Divine to come into free creative expression through your human self. For this simple, yet fundamental reason, the path to becoming a Leader of Light must be shaped in the exact same way: Allowing God to guide us through this magnificent adventure - and through life itself -without knowing exactly how or where or why in advance.
We talk about mastering the 'Art of Living in Love' as the way of the Leader of Light. We talk about 'the Art of the True You', 'the Art of Prayer, the Art of Relating and the Art of Dying. You could say that Leadership of Light is really about mastering the Way of the Artist: Allowing God to take over and come into full and free expression for the pleasure, inspiration and uplifting of all!

The time is now for honoring and acknowledging the Leader of Light the is you

9 months of celebrating the emergence of you
as a leader of light in a human body.
Initiation of the Heroes Journey
Entering Earth
Soul Contract
Vows & Intentions
Seed of the soul
The art of a new, true you
Ocean of devotion
Full circle
Vows & Intentions
Creating Heaven on Earth

Learning to die before you die
Thy will be done
Surrender & Forgiveness
Inner Funeral
Inner Wedding
Divine Masculine & Feminine
Tantra of the heart
The art of relating
Showing way
Holding space

The Historic Danish Countryside: 6 Lovely Retreats
The Leadership of Light Adventure is set in the land of fairytales. For every guiding theme, we will retreat to the lush and beautiful countryside of Hans Christian Andersen's Denmark - to the island of Langeland. Here, we are going to dive into the wisdom of our topics on a beautiful piece of wild land, near the beach of the Baltic Sea, surrounded by the tall and stoic trees that whisper stories of ancient strength and magnificence in the wind.
Please note: The Leadership of Light Adventure is held in English.
Langeland is located in the historic part of Southern Denmark, where once the Danish national anthem was given to poet Adam Oehlenschläger. In his lyrics, he sings the praise of Freja - the norse goddess of beauty, love and death. It is in none other than her magnificent hall, we are going to do our work.
Retreat Address
Frejas Sal
Snagestræde 1
5953 Tranekær

Retreat Dates
Throughout the 9 months of our adventure, we are going to meet for a total of 6 retreats - one for every guiding theme.
The dates are as follows:
September 27 - 30, 2018
November 29 - December 2, 2018
January 10 - 13, 2019
March 7 - 10, 2019
May 16 - 20, 2019
June 13 - 16, 2019
On the first day of the retreat, we meet at 5pm CET. Retreats end at approximately 3pm of the last day.
For every retreat, there will be singing, dancing, walks in nature, meditation, yoga, prayers, circle sharings
- and occasionally, inspiring guest teachers.
This could easily be the best time of your life.
You choose.
We are the living hearts that connect.
Fearlessly, gracefully, no questions asked
A Sacred Online Space For Bi-Montly Connections
For the sake of "keeping the fire alive" and nurturing our sacred work, we are going to connect via Zoom, an online video conference room, in-between retreats. These meetings, which will be held every two weeks, are just as essential to the journey as the physical retreats. They will serve as an online teaching space, as well as give us the wonderful opportunity to share and reflect on what it means to be a Leader of Light in the grittiness of everyday life.
We will be meeting online:
Every Second Wednesday at 8pm CET,
starting 10 October, 2018

The Circle Of Love: A Sacred Container
The Leadership of Light is a journey for the brave. We will all have taken many courageous steps before coming together, and yet this journey holds a deeper invitation still: The 9 months we are going to spend together will take us into the yet unknown territories of our true, creative soul expression - of our inner leadership. It brings to our collective attention the little secrets we have stowed away and wrapped up in guilt and shame - so that we may love them up and light them up, and finally find our peace with them, one at the time.
That kind of work requires a sacred container, and we call it: The Circle of Love. It is made of dedication, wisdom, courage, friendship, support, creativity, privacy and authentic self-expression. Throughout the journey, it is expanded through prayer and devotion, for the simple reason that prayer and devotion are the highest kind of medicine known to man.
A Divine Point Of Entry
The Circle of Love allows us to bear witness to everything that is, and transform it with love. It is the prerequisite for feeling safe in entering into this sacred work. It is the divine entry point of our journey, and that which will carry us all the way into true Leadership of Light.

Come with me, beloved
Let us explore with the power of love, and venture deep into our core. What are the hopes and dreams you carry within for a brighter world? What are your strengths and wonderful gifts that will turn those dreams into a new reality, for you and the world around you - right now? What does it mean, what does it take for you to be a Leader of Light?
Let us come together and explore what it means to be an everyday-, human ambassador of a bright and loving world. Like a great and graceful artist of life, let us dance and sing and laugh and play and paint and walk and share! Let us do everything that feeds the soul and makes us happy; let us remember the magic of being a soulful human. Let us be Leaders of Light.
Let us find the courage
Let us embrace our shadows so that once and for all, they too ‘come home’. Let us embrace our deepest wounds with the power of love - for the sake of our own hearts, and for the hearts of all. Let us support each other in facing our fears with tenderness and sweet forgiveness. Let us be Leaders of Light.
And let us hold space for each other to birth ourselves as the guardians of the world we know in our hearts to be true. A world of compassion, forgiveness, wisdom and love. Let us create a space for us to act as symbolic midwives, assisting each other in rising from the ashes, and into the power of love.
Let us be Leaders of Light.

Shared & Private Accommodation
The beautiful Frejas Sal offers different types of accommodation, and prices for the Leadership of Light Adventure vary accordingly. You can choose between the communal sleeping areas, a shared accommodation with two and three single beds, or a private bedroom with a single bed (limited availability on a first-come, first-serve basis).
Below are the rates for the Adventure with the different types of accommodation.
9 Months Leadership Of Light
With Communal Accommodation: DKK 27,000
9 Months Leadership of Light
With Shared Accommodation: DKK 28,800
9 Months Leadership of Light
With Private Accommodation: DKK 32,400
All prices are in Danish Kroner, and include all meals, coffee, tea, snacks. Also included in the price are all teachings, bi-monthly online guidance and one personal session with Talasi in the course of the 9 months.

One Month's Deposit And You're Good To Go
To reserve your spot, all you need to do is fill out the form with your personal details and your desired type of accommodation (please provide this in the message field).
You will then receive an invoice corresponding to one month's deposit of the entire Leadership of Light Adventure, e.g.:
DKK 3,000 with communal accommodation
DKK 3,200 with shared accommodation
DKK 3,400 with private accommodation
The payment of the remainder of the price is due no later than 22 September, 2018.
If you wish to set up a payment plan, please contact Talasi.


A 9-Month Inner Leadership Adventure Beginning
September 2018

The deeper you choose to love yourself,
the more magic life will bring you.