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a Leadership of Light Fullmoon Retreat
13. - 15. september 2019


I denne fuldmåne retreat vil vi have fokus på den individuelle deltagers nuværende livs proces, udfordringer , temaer, længsler med mere, med formålet på healing, transformation og gennembrud.

Vi vil sammen skabe en “ Circle of Wise Love “, hvor du vil blive guided og få coaching på dine individuelle problem stillinger, og opleve hvordan kærlighedens visdom både kan transformere og heale ligenu og her, og at du kan lære at tage et nyt valg i visdom hver eneste dag i dine daglige udfordringer.

I weekenden vil vi også guide en powerfuld og dyb fuldmåne ceremoni, hvori du kan grunde de indsigter og den healing du har oplevet og lade dem blive en dør til en ny begyndelse. Rammen omkring weekenden vil udover “ Circle of Wise Love” arbejdet være : Meditationer, yoga, sang, dans, sharings, natur-oplevelser “ Future Mapping “ redskaber, og ceremonier.

Vi vil sammen lave skøn sund vegetariske mad, imens vi hygger integrerer det dybe arbejde sammen. "Circle of wise Love" arbejdet som vi introducere i denne weekend er en af de vigtige elementer i den et årige “Leadership of Light “ træning

In this Full Moon weekend we will focus our attention on your individual processes, challenges, issues, longings and more, with the purpose of healing and transformation.


You will work in a Circle of Wise Love where you will be guided and coached into clarity of that which you are currently working through in your present life-experience.

In a deep and cleansing Full Moon Ceremony we will anchor these healings and insights to create momentum for transformation in your life.


The frame of the weekend will be “ Circle of Wise Love “ work , "Future Mapping” tools, meditation, yoga, singing, dance, sharing, nature connection and ceremonies.

Together we will prepare yummy vegetarian food while integrating and grounding the deep work.


Circle of Wise Love work which we introduce in this weekend retreat is one of the root elements of the ongoing Leadership of Light Training starting May 2020.


If you feel called to belong to a beautiful family of like minded souls, read more here about our Leadership of Light Training Programme.

Stay informed about the upcoming event s by signing up to our newsletter or contact me directly on
+45 28226100

Practicals :

Dates : 13-15 September 2019.

Price : This weekend has a special intro price at 2900 DDK,
including food and accommodation.

When you book you pay a fee of 1500 DKK to secure your space on the retreat.. An additional fee of 1400 DKK will be charged on arrival for food and accomadation. On booking you will receive a welcome mail with practical information.

Please also connect on Facebook, as I will keep you posted with inspiration, photos and info about the upcoming training.
You can also connect with each other if you need a ride or if you have an extra seat in your car..

You are also more than welcome to contact me for all the questions you may have...

Address : Frejas Sal, Snagestræde 1, Frellesvig, 5953 Tranekær
Denmark. +45 28226100


Workshop Guide: Janinna Talasi

Living Heart Guide, Janinna Talasi from Denmark,

is an experienced workshop and Ceremony leader,

who throughout the most of her life,

has been in passionate service of the awakening of the Living Heart -
Read more about Janinna at

Duane Hartel is assisting on this training. Duane is a Life Purpose Coach and workshop guide and will be in support of the process with music, sound journeys, Future mapping tools. and coaching. Read more about Duane at

©2020 Talasi & Living Heart. All rights reserved.
Artwork by Talasi Edensdal

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